Thursday 29 December 2011

There Is A First Time For Everything

Have made my first stop motion video. Its not all that great, but its my first attempt so, cut me some slack. Am working on a new idea to make it better though. It was really hard because everything kept on moving despite the fact that there was a lot of blue tack involved! 


I was on you tube and came across a video which, well, got me thinking... that's epic! :D
I watched it like so many times! Boy, it would take l-o-n-g to make this video! I wonder how many packets of post-its they bought. How exhausting! So, I have taken up the challenge to make my own video... am still listing ideas on what to do it on... Well, anyways enjoy the video :)

Sunday 25 December 2011

o.O why exactly.

Okay. So why exactly am I writing this 'so called blog' well........... Firstly I was bored. Secondly I was told to do so. Thirdly cause I had nothing better to do. And [if there is something called] fourthly because its the best way to do absolutely NOTHING! ;D

Ya, sure, it makes no sense. well, THAT'S THE POINT! You need an over-active imagination to actually find some sense!